Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Whispers of Childhood Footsteps

When I was a child

I did not have games replicating the outdoors and indoors.

When I was a child I did not have Dora and Barney to amuse me

So I would eat my food devoid of amusement.

When I was a child I did not have each component of my life visually categorized.

When I was a child I did not adorn knee armaments and helmets while riding my cycle

And I enjoyed falling and hurting myself.

When I was a child I did not eat chips with tomato sauce and cold drink and almost never needed

Pasta, burgers and pizzas as incentives to eat.

When I was a child I did not have a timetable for eating, dancing, playing, and singing.

And everything that was in between.

When I was a child I did not doubt my parents’ decrees and decisions.

When I was a child I did not have a fancy mobile phone to always fidget with while dining with family.

When I was a child I did not require Archie-formed days in order to be grateful for those whom I valued

In My life.

When I was a child I did not ruin my eyes, while continuously looking at screens – of computer, TV,

Or the phone or a gaming console.

When I was a child I did not lock the world out with headphones connected to ingenious iPods.

When I was a child I found friends in the neighborhood, not on Facebook and Twitter

When I was a child my life was uncomplicated: the kinds with slight anxiety and even slighter peripheral stimulus.

When I was a child, Disney World’s rides didn’t excite me as much as a ride with my dad on his scooter.

When I was a child I was contented with just a single television channel and a shared home-prepared

Meal and didn’t feel the need for WII or the Xbox.

When I was a child I found gratification in small things like making doll houses or playing with clay.

When I was a child I lived like most children do – Unrestrained, carefree and naive.

When I was a child I was just that –

A child

Not a little grown-up.

Keep Reading!



sulagna said...

ohh i know sweety, how we look and get nostalgic. But change has to happen and maybe our children will type in their blogs about parks and playgrounds, which would be extinct by then.

such is life, always changes and makes us treasure memories

Auteur said...

True Sulagna. But I am rather amazed at how children have lost thier innocence. Yeah, perhaps that's what they refer to ad generation gap. And perhaps that's what our parents might have felt about us. Damn, am I aging ? Awe.. Nevermind;-)

Keep reading!

Marina said...

Looks like mummy dear is missing Big mummy dear...
Its quiet a job (being a full time mother and a good wife like yourself)

Loads of Love.

will keep Reading


sulagna said...

ohh chup oyee phataka...we are eternal phatakas..we never fade out and we never age...and now that Seth babau is here, he will make sure mommy stays young forever

Auteur said...

Ladies! I agree with you both. Sulagna,,Patakha to hum jab 80 ke ho jayenge tab bhi rahenge. We are eternal phatakas you see ;-)
Mary, aww..the bear hug is always the need of the hour. I feel so much better.

Although the motive behind this particular post was the fact that I am these days surrounded by two many kids who behave like total adults. I am in complete awe. I would never want Ahaan to lose his innocence. But such is life and change is constant so maybe I just need to adapt to that as a parent.

Thanks for reading and sharing your views guys. Means a lot!

Pria said...

This is a beautiful post Manu and I couldn't agree more on the fact that our childhood was way simpler ..

Children of today have so much yet nothing attracts them or interests them for long and we were content to be playing games like seven pebbles / oonch neech , hide and seek and god knows what others ..

Maybe we'll succeed in passing some of it to our own children ..btw which game are you teachin Jr seth first ??

Auteur said...

Priya - I totally concur. Times has changed and so have we. In the coming days, children will bring up parents! As for Ahaan, I wonder which route will he take- the desi saap seedi, ludo or the WII and Xbox types..Time will only tell :-)

Akshita Saran said...

You've explained the true meaning of childhood..👍