Saturday, April 16, 2011

Forgive and Forget?

I have pondered a lot on this perplexing question forever and I just cannot bring myself to respond it any other manner apart from retorting, “No!”

Time heals all wounds, so they say … emotional wounds grow fainter with time… and one snaps out of the heartache.

All of that could possibly be correct.

I may not undergo the same feeling of hostility as the time someone close to be deceived me, hurt me or another one who perhaps took me for granted.

I may not weep my eyes out any longer about sour words a friend, family or acquaintance disgorged over an irrelevant comment.

I may not recollect with every fierce element of the inappropriate behavior of someone I closely know.

But I commit to memory.

I keep in mind all those people and all those incidents that kept me awake at nights. That wrenched excruciatingly at my heart. Those wound me time and again in my slumber.

I recall sentiments and expressions, faces and voices … … deception and dishonesty …

And devoid of forgetting I cannot forget.

The wise ones articulate that there’s no use submerging oneself in negative energy.

I unconditionally concur.

I don’t frequently reflect upon the unhappy moments I have undergone owing to a purported friend’s malicious ways or a relative’s imprudence, but somewhere, deep within they’re resting in a semi-exhausted condition.

I have moved on in my life. I am contented majority of the days.

I underline the positive and anticipate the future with hope.

But unless I am able to enduringly and selectively erase few events from my remembrance, clemency or forgiveness won’t come easily to me.

Alas! I am not a self righteous “holier than thou” type of an individual.

I won’t spew out on your face, but I also won’t offer the other cheek to you.

I won’t seek vengeance and I won’t wish you bad.

If you’re insignificant, I’ll not pay heed and move on, but if you’ve wronged me in one way or the other I will commit to memory. It’s not that I make efforts to retain in mind; it’s just that I won’t forget.

But I can forgive, only superficially although… only to get some veneer of a finality … only to resolve myself to the fact that no good can come out of recalling.

It’s a ploy I play with my own mind.

Forgiveness entails forgetting. And forgetting doesn’t come straightforwardly to me.

So can you forgive without forgetting?

Keep Reading!


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