Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Letter to the Father of my Son

Happy Father's Day

Dear Anshul ~

Life is often demarcated as the existence of vitality in its many complex and radiantly intricate forms. We are only voyagers and bystanders here, carving out and discovering the varied gorgeous ways in which to live our lives to the fullest.

Almost 3 years back, in February I told you that I was expecting. What a day that was!  I still can’t forget your bedazzled and surprised to the hilt expressions. Fast forward 3 years now, and I am astounded at how perfect the love of my life is at being a "Dad".  Many men are fathers.  Some are great at it, others nose-dive completely.  It takes a special something to be a "Dad".  You dove into the parenting furrows with me instantly.  You changed blowout diapers, tried to take vomit in your hands, rocked our son to sleep (even if it was with a non-melodious lullaby you sang!), solaced him when he cried.

I've had the pleasure to watch you evolve as a father and witness your natural capacity to flourish and clasp the “actual things that matter”; sentient time offered to our son, regardless of what kind of day you've had at work and the never-ending to-do items which fall on the sticker every weekend.

You invite our son into your life.  He’s seen you cry.  You've rocked him when he’s cried.  There’s been laughter…immense laughter and glee.  And there’s been the business of smoothly helping him as he’s beginning to steer his own path in life.  The love I see him reciprocate to you is beyond measure.

So, dear husband of mine – I know I don’t say it often, but would like to say it today - “Thank you”.  Thank you for being the Dad you are supposed to be, when several others do not come up to scratch.  I thank you for meeting me midway on life’s greatest escapade and I thank you for being every bit of the dad for our son that my dad has been for me.  Thank you for holding our son when he cries. Thank you for reading him stories with immense fortitude and fervor .Thank you for unwearyingly singing his favorite rhymes over and over and over again.  Thank you for teaching our son how to value the good in life and how to take the bad, with endurance and a hope for a better tomorrow.  For all this, and many many more things- including my own dad (I’m still your little girl who loves to hold your hand, Papa), I am thankful.

Anshul, your cape is not always visible.  You go unappreciated a lot of times.  But as Super dads and Superheros go, you are the best. Happy Father’s Day to the Best Dad my son could ever have.
Now, there's a wriggly spider on the wall, can you take care of that please?

Keep Reading!


Ruchi Soni said...

touched .. this is so bful ! lucky ahanu to b blessed with such wonderful parents . god bless u alll . stay blessed

Auteur said...

Thank you so much Ruchi, feels good to read this :-)