Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Open your mouth wider for M-A-N-S-I

You ask, what’s in a name afterall? I say “Everything”

So I clarify virtually for everyone.
It is  pronounced as ‘Maan-see’.
Yeah, you got it right, open your mouth really  wide and pronounce the ‘s’  just the way you would pronounce it in a ‘miss’ ,’piss’, . It’s not “Fizz” like a ‘zee’ sound, it’s the “c” sound
And no, it is not called  in any other modified or improvised  manner. When I explicate and spell it “M A N A S I “,  for you, don’t interpret it as  Nancy, Monsey or mansingh?
Regardless of  how many times people at various coffee outlets here,  understand assume and write  it that way, or sales people at various store and especially callers from doctors’ office  repeat it such -  My name is not  Mansingh or Nancy. It does not sound like any of those and I am certainly not changing it to those!
Just so that a few people find it tricky to pronounce it — and the majority get an innovative way to botch it — I am not altering my name – certainly not!
How would you prefer it if I pronounced your name as  Kaatey instead of Kate ? Or Jaani instead of Jenny?
How about that? Those are easy to pronounce names there, right?
So you see -  so is mine.
And my name has a meaning too – and a good one too there.
It means “everything you can desire” and in Sanskrit it means “a sound mind” while historically it means a lady.
I am sure  you did not know that?
To many folks,  it isn’t a big deal afterall? They’d rather just call out for David or DJ at a coffee shop — all they want is their cup of coffee, so who cares?
It isn’t really worth investing some odd 30 seconds making the individual across  the counter get every syllable correct.
But it matters to me. It’s my name- it’s my identity, remember?.
Although I know I’m squandering my time explaining the pronunciation to one person when the one at the other end will eventually mess up again.
“So a skimmed milk caramel café mocha  for uhumm….Man- what??!?”
How difficult is it to hear and pronounce it really?.
So, here’s your carry away message: my name is called and pronounced as — Maan-sea - (yes, you got to open your mouth wider) and I my brain is technically tuned to not respond to any other names like “Mansingh, Nancy, and Monsey” etc
Additionally, it is not open to modifications and I don’t want you to get creative with it.
By the way, incase you are wondering,   my last name is pronounced as : “Chitt-raan-shee!” .Err, forget it!

Keep Reading!


The phoenix said...

Appanramanujan Srinivasan :P How do you go about that ;)
Well i have a problem when people dont even try to get it right. they ask can i call you xxx or yyy. I am like sure, I will call you Bob from tomorrow ;)

sulagna said...

babe people write me mails on my official ID and spell my name is Sulanag, Sugandha , Sulanga and worse Mr Chatterjee !!!!

Auteur said...

@ The Phoenix - "Appanramanujan Srinivasan"? Really?! Okay, so I am no more feeling so bad about Mansi Chitranshi!

Auteur said...

Sulagna, your story was the most hilarious in all this! Zatterzi - Can never forget!