Friday, March 6, 2015

Happy Birthday Anshul

Dear Anshul,

Do you think that when we met 8 years ago (well, met again after 13 years, since from where we left at childhood), I thought you were the man of my dreams? Of course I didn’t! We were so different from each other? Yet I had no idea the profundity and abundance our relationship would take after a decade. My younger self longed a partner that was centered in his own being, strong yet sensitive, and eager to grow and evolve with me. What I didn’t anticipate however is how much trust, communication and commitment is required to really nurture a marriage – to let each one of us to stretch and embrace the inescapable internal and external changes, while still holding a united direction in life. - Our identities and interests and jobs have all shifted. Where we live has changed intensely, and more than once! We have globetrotted together.  Friends have been made and parted ways with, houses have been made into homes, bags packed and unpacked and then packed again and then some more. And yet, we are essentially two people who believe in the power of love. Who believe in our own strength and unequivocally cheer for each other. Who have discovered a way to steer through all the transformation and surfaced even more in alignment with our true substances, rejoicing each other’s light. Yet our relationship isn’t all rainbows and fairy wings. We keep allowance and make space for the small and big fears and gnarly places within.

After so many years of planning surprises for you, now I know you are not wild about celebrating your birthday, but I could not resist celebrating you. I treasure the day you came into this world. I cherish the day you came into my life and we held hands and dived into the unknown. And I cherish each day forward.

We will blink one day and be 90 – maybe more? So as we slog and soar high, buy groceries, fight about shelf spaces in the wardrobe, and envision living in our dream house by the beach, as we snuggle and sometimes snarl, I remain ever thankful and ever yours.
I love you Anshul. Happy Birthday my love.
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