Monday, April 15, 2013

Letter to the World - On my Son's First Day to School

Dear World,

My son begins his first day at school today. It's going to be unusual
and different to him for a while.
And I hope you would somewhat treat him mildly.
You see, until now, he's been king of the roost.
He's been boss of the yard.
I have constantly been around to fix his pains,
and to pacify his moods.

However from hereon-things will be different.

This morning, he's going to march down the road,
wave goodbye and begin his great escapade
that will doubtless consist of conflicts and heartbreak and distress.

To co-exist and live his life in the world, he will need
belief and affection and valor.

So, Dear World, I hope you would embrace him by his little hand
and explain him the lessons he will have to know. Teach him-but softly, if you can.
Teach him that for each crook there is a superman;
that for each twisted politician there is a devoted leader;
that for each foe there is a friend.
Teach him the miracles of books and show him a whole new world that they can open for him.

Provide him quiet time to wonder about the timeless secret of birds in the sky,
flowers on the distant hill and bees in the sun.
Teach him it is far more worthy to be unsuccessful than to be a cheater.

Teach him to have conviction in his own philosophies,
even if everybody else tells him he is wrong.
Teach him to trade his brawn and brains to the premier bidder,
without ever putting a value on his heart and soul.

Teach him to shut his ears to a wailing multitude...
and to stand and combat if he believes he's right.

Teach him softly, Dear World, but don't cosset him,
because fine steel is made through test of fire.

Dear World, I trust you.
I am giving you my heart and soul – My boy.

Keep Reading!

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