Monday, July 30, 2012

Open Letter to People Who Do Not Reply to Emails.

Dear People who don't reply to my emails,

I'd want to trust that my first email to you got misplaced, never went through or wretchedly fell victim to your spam box. The reality is some people just don't care enough to exchange electronic communication with me which just tempts me to want to email you people all the more.

Miserably with all the communication technology out there we are sanctified /loaded with never-ending reasons of why we do not reply to emails : "my phone has been acting up lately" or  “ I haven’t been able to check my mails for days now” ( Oh yeah! I can see how you got time in between to be online on Facebook though) “Oh, you sent an email to me? when? “(Just when you were busy ignoring my mail, sweetheart!). I mean what kind of people would not reply to mails? And no, I am not referring to those foolhardy forwarded mails. I am talking about mails which pose a question, discuss a plan or are intended to be replied to.

When some people don’t reply to my e-mails, I always believe, maybe something catastrophic must have happened - Like perhaps they got smacked by a meteorite or maybe the aliens abducted them.

I believe I must understand that maybe you all have much better things to do (like investing one full day stalking people on Facebook) than to be online all day replying to my emails. You probably have better things to do in life – like assisting Obama on his political decisions that can change the world, or maybe you are the invisible Spiderman, on his/her way to save the world.

I hope that in the coming days,  I comprehend that the world does not in fact spin around me and that “you people” aren’t going to form a unison to all mark me as spam. As in, it’s not like you are even thinking about me to the extent that I think about you?

But if you are reading this post right now – and you know who you are - my blog – the lines ahead are for you.

I wish that the days ahead fetch you nothing but an inbox overflowing with Nigerian bank hoax attempt, body part enlargement ads and messages that your ex-girlfriend /boyfriend who caused you a heartbreak lately, got wedded to someone much better looking.

Additionally, please send me your address so that I can send you a book on “Easy to follow E-mail etiquettes “along with a pet pigeon that you can use to carry forward and back, some important messages.

Yours Sincerely,
Potential Spammer

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