Thursday, July 12, 2012


We all have an Ugly Betty living inside us. A flawed woman, an imperfect woman fanatical to make herself more ideal for someone else, to be what somebody else expects them to be, somebody who is at times swamped by the traits/features she doesn’t own  but longs to live a more satisfied life and feel more comprehensive. As frequently as a woman we live our life indefatigably fighting what is expected of us and what we envisage of ourselves. But more frequently, I have learnt how to value the imperfections, the flaws that make me the woman I am today. There is something organic, unadulterated and inspiring about accepting the flaws that make you who you really are. But it’s even more triumphant to stop trying to be perfect; to stop evaluating yourself with the yardstick of another woman’s splendor, body, accomplishment, recognition, prosperity, success or peace.  Being a flawed woman is living a complete contended life.  It is so much like plunging your fingers deep into the jug of life and licking each emotion off, one finger at a time. It’s accommodating the tang of bitterness, enjoying the flavor of serenity, resisting the flavor of spite, teasing yourself with the whiffs of victory, savoring the cracks of unselfishness, swallowing the seeds of trepidations, biting down the crumbs of prejudice. I am an imperfect- a flawed woman and I don’t constantly manage myself with equanimity and composure. I go awry, I fail, I get angry, I feel scared, I cry, I snigger and I brawl and I am happy accepting that. Given that, it’s all these flaws, imperfections and blemishes boxed up together that make me, the unique me.

Keep Reading!


sulagna said...

Manasi i hit the big three oh next week..i could not have agreed more to each and every word you have written down...each and every..i mean it !

Auteur said...

Sulagna, glad you liked it:-) Its easy to relate as we all have that ugly betty within us ..Keep Reading!