Thursday, June 14, 2012

What Little Dreams Are Made Of

He’s 20 months old and evidently has dreams at night. At times, he wakes up terrified; other times he giggles mysteriously in his slumber. I have no clue what he could be dreaming about, but here are few things that a mother’s mind can guess. Read On!
1.    He’s filling his diaper with a dozen Gummy Bears.
2.    He’s on a tumbling raft in a bathtub bursting of molten cheese.
3.    He is in the climbing, swinging like Tarzan from one blind to the other.
4.    He is befriending the funny ducks which go quack quack.
5.    His bed is an enormous iPod.
6.    He’s enacting in a play but seems to have forgotten his lines. (I’m just presuming all of us get this dream sometime or the other)
7.    He’s happily driving a car while shouting, “I’m absolutely driving this carr-ll man!”
8.    He’s is throwing all toiletries in his imaginative giant well – which apparently happens to be the toilet pot. (He made this dream come true a few days back.)
9.    He’s compelled to listen to an unremitting hoop of his mommy shouting “Wait, I will just come and get you.”
10.  He’s undressed and running down the street with a feeling of liberty.

Wonder, what he’s dreaming of right now?

Keep Reading!

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