Thursday, May 24, 2012

Mom -to-Mom

I recall:

Looking forward to be home from school.
That feeling of comfort in your arms.
Sleeping with you and holding your tummy.
Trying your cosmetics.
Letting me know that you were proud of me.
Your warm hug around me when I sobbed.
You lending an ear.
You telling me that Maths is afterall easy to deal with and I could do it.
Magical hugs when I was ill.
The significance of homework.
You staying up all night when I had an exam
The significance of telling the truth.
Your belief in me.
Letting me snooze with my head in your lap during long bus journeys .
Oiling and plaiting my hair.
Your acceptance when you felt you were incorrect.
Letting me see when I was off beam.
Being truthful with me.
Making me believe I could be whatever I wished to be.
Sharing  your stories and listening to mine.
Loving me in a manner I never questioned.
Always telling me that you are proud of me and will always be.
Well, today let me tell you
Maa, I’m proud of you.

You did a great job.

From one mother to another,

Thank you.

I’m striving to be a good one…

because you were  one too.
Happy Mother’s Day.

PS- I intended posting this on Mother’s Day 13th May 2012.However, I couldn’t. Nonetheless, what I feel for my mother, is heartfelt on each day. 

Keep Reading!

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