Monday, January 23, 2012

The Big 30

Okay. So this post has been delayed. I intended writing and posting this around my 30th Birthday, so sooner or later, its here.

I have never feared turning 30. A few years back, I use to infact look forward to take a leap into the Third Tier, anxious to abandon the immaturity, self-distrust of the 20s.

As I mentioned earlier it’s been more than a month now that I turned 30. “I don't feel like an old duck. Infact, I don't even feel grown-up,” I said to myself on the morning of my 30th birthday when everyone wishing me was asking me “So how many years?” I don’t think I have arrived, still time to reach there. But I can see the target. It's still on a hill, and fortunately I no more look from the bottom of the valley any longer. I can shape a comprehensible trail if I stay focused.

So, in to celebrate a much awaited milestone in my life, I jotted down a few things women should be acquainted with by the time 30 comes knocking. This is the (half-done) list:

*Love is a verb. Love devoid of emotions, feelings etc means absolutely nothing and can stand null and void.

*Rage does not equate to being stronger, it equates to being angry. Loud does not mean right and wont set anything right.

*If he is The One, he will be The One. When you're being pushy and compelling him to be the one it, you’re not doing it right. Take a break and search for the Next One to be The One.

*Discover treating people with the same perceptive and understanding you would like to receive. You're cannot be perfect. Neither can anyone else be.

*Be a globetrotter. Go around exploring the untouched places, food, cultures etc. Learn how to greet in a native language, and especially learn to say “Thank You” with a smile in their language.

*Enjoy your company. If you don’t like your own company, how do you suppose anyone else will? Begin with a film at a theatre; then move on to lunch, then dinner, all by yourself. And then maybe someday graduate to going to a destination all by yourself.

*Begin trusting yourself. A billion people will narrate you a billion stories -- few factual, few fabricated. If it sounds like a lie, it more often than not is. If it sounds right, it could be. Give credence to your gutfeel.

*Mistakes are lessons in disguise. You’re allowed to make mistake, even blunders but if you learn from your mistakes, your mistake is not useless. Avoid saying sorry for the same thing more than once

*Welcome old age with open arms. There can be nothing worse for a woman who doesn’t age charmingly. If you’re envious of the youth, take comfort in that – By rule of life and God’s grace -- young people ultimately age too.

Most of the above mentioned things, I have accomplished. Some I need to.

What else do you feel should be on the list of what women need to know by 30? Share with me.

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Anu Sharma said...

very nice read Mansi, I always appreciate the women who believe in themselves and living each moment...keep smiling and sharing :)

Auteur said...

Thanks Anu - coming from one such woman, its sure feels good :-) Keep reading!